Who/what inspired you to enter into the education field?

I had phenomenal teachers throughout my education career who inspired me and had an immeasurable impact on my life. I truly have a love for learning and enjoy instilling that same love into my students. 

Tell us about your family? (children, pets, etc)

My husband of nearly 15 years; Chris. 2 rambunctious boys Liam (8) and Ryker). A hyperactive aussiedoodle; Blu. Together, we enjoy walks, travelling, sporting events, and outdoor activities.

What is your Teacher Leader Mission? YOUR WHY in the classroom? How do you #LeadTheCHARGE daily?

To facilitate a love for learning rather than dictate.

What is one attribute of leadership that you think is critical to possess as a Teacher Leader. Why?

One attribute of leadership I feel is critical to possess as a teacher leader is being adaptable. The teaching profession changes nearly every minute of every day and professionals in this career MUST remain adaptable at all times.  I once read an article by EdWeek that on average, a teacher will make at least 1,500 decisions a day!! A DAY!!! Can you imagine? If teachers and teacher leaders are not adaptable, they are surely to fail.

What are ways that you engage families as part of the learning in your classroom/school?

Unfortunately, covid has had a big hindrance on building community with families and having them in our classrooms. To try to maintain those relationships, I utilize our class dojo to keep them in “the know” about upcoming events, homework, tests, etc. I also use this platform to brag on their student. It’s very rewarding to contact a parent on a positive note. I also, do quiet a bit of videoing in my classroom. When students are presenting or creating I will upload pictures and/vidoes to let families know how hard they’ve worked and how well they did!

Events such as open house, family learning nights, and student led conferences are other great times that do allow families into our classrooms. These are not only opportunities where I get to brag about my students to their families but the students get to show ownership of their work and grades.

What “fingerprint” or lasting impression do you want to leave at your school or on your students?

A lasting impression I’d like to leave at my school is that I worked tirelessly to make learning fun and succeeded (most of the time! ;))

How do you maximize the strengths of those around you?

I try to focus on the strength of an individual as a whole, whether it is a student or an adult. People in general will believe the things they are continuously told about themselves. Therefore, it is so important to make the things they hear be positive.

What do you like most about teaching?

Relationships! I have built lifelong relationships with my work colleagues as well as the sweetest of relationships with my students that have carried over year after year.

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