Who/what inspired you to enter into the education field?
I had some fantastic teachers when I was in school. However, one teacher particularly had my back in school and supported me to be the best I could be as a student. She was my College Algebra teacher (and vice principal), and I had been struggling with my ACT. I had expressed how worried and stressed I was that I would have to take remedial classes once I was in college. She was a voice of reason and support I needed when I felt overwhelmed. To help me prepare for my next upcoming ACT, she started tutoring me during her spare time during the school day. She even went as far as to invite me to her house, where she sat for several hours helping me identify errors from ACT prep books, websites, etc., that I had been using to study.

This educator showed me so much compassion and support that I knew I wanted to be like her when I became an educator.

Tell us about your family? (children, pets, etc)
I have been married to the love of my love, Joshua Giles (a CHARGE member), for a little over two years. Overall, we have been together for almost seven years. We have a sweet German Shepherd named Lucy who is spoiled beyond belief! In addition to my little family, I also have amazing parents, a brother, mother, and father-in-law, and two brothers-in-law who constantly are my source of support and encouragement. I could not have achieved half of what I have accomplished without my sweet family.

What is your Teacher Leader Mission? YOUR WHY in the classroom? How do you #LeadTheCHARGE daily?
To encourage and assist students in reaching their highest potentials in the classroom.

What is one attribute of leadership that you think is critical to possess as a Teacher Leader. Why?
One attribute of leadership that I think is critical to possess as a Teacher Leader is rapport. Most often than not, the way you build relationships will impact the success you will have as an educator.

What are ways that you engage families as part of the learning in your classroom/school?
As a school, we host family events like Meet the Teachers and Pumpkins in the Park to help engage families and teachers on a more social level (than academic).

What “fingerprint” or lasting impression do you want to leave at your school or on your students?
I hope that I leave the impression that I care and support my students wholeheartedly.

What do you like most about teaching?
I love building a relationship with my students and passing my love for history down to them.

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