Who/what inspired you to enter into the education field?
Passion to help children.

Tell us about your family? (children, pets, etc)
Wife of 28 years Leigh Ann
23 year old daughter Sarah
20 year old son Brant

What is your Teacher Leader Mission? YOUR WHY in the classroom? How do you #LeadTheCHARGE daily?
To have a positive, inspiring impact on children’s lives. I achieved this by being kind, caring, empathic, and passionate.

What is one attribute of leadership that you think is critical to possess as a Teacher Leader. Why?
Honesty and integrity. Leaders today need to be honest and have integrity in the face of problems and challenges.

What are ways that you engage families as part of the learning in your classroom/school?
Connections through a variety of outlets such as google classroom and class dojo as well as the use of family resource centers.

What “fingerprint” or lasting impression do you want to leave at your school or on your students?
Leave an impact that involves not only the teaching of particular academic skills, but as importantly, the fostering of student self-esteem. Reinforcing self-esteem in the classroom is of the utmost importance!

How do you maximize the strengths of those around you?
The first step is to identify each person’s strengths and lead around those abilities.

What do you like most about teaching?
Influencing the future of my students. Giving children the skills they need to go out into the world and succeed.

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