Who/what inspired you to enter into the education field? 

When I was a young boy, I loved going over to my grandparents house. The would always ask what I had been learning about in school. As they saw my enthusiasm for learning, my Papaw built me a chalkboard. I would then “teach” them what I had learned, and they acted like it was all new information to them. I loved seeing their expressions of joy as they pretended to learn something knew. Later on, when I entered high school, I struggled to find my place with my peers. However, there was a teacher there who saw my potential and went out of her way to help me find my place and re-kindle my passion for school. She made a tremendous impact on me, and I knew I wanted to do the same for others. I believe God instilled in my the passion to teach, and He used many wonderful educators to help me get to where I am today.

Tell us about your family (children, pets, etc):

I am married to the most wonderful woman (and teacher) in the world – Miranda Giles. We currently have a German Shepherd named Lucy.

What is your Teacher Leader Mission? YOUR WHY in the classroom? How do you #LeadTheCHARGE daily? 

When deciding on a career, I knew that I didn’t just want a job – I wanted to have a purpose. I wanted to do something that was of service to others. Having a passion for education and reflecting on the wonderful impact teachers had made on my life, I knew that I wanted to become a teacher and help students to learn, grow, and become the best versions of themselves that they can be. My daily mission is to help my students to equip them with the necessary skillset required to become successful, active, and productive citizens who know that there is at least one person in the world who cares for them.

What is one attribute of leadership that you think is critical to possess as a Teacher Leader? Why? 

Two attributes of leadership that are critical to possess as a Teacher Leader are servanthood and empathy. First of all, true leaders put others before themselves. We should always put students first and they should be at the center of everything we do. Secondly, we should never forget what it is like to be in the shoes of those we now serve. When we remember what it’s like to be a child, we can better meet their needs and help them to learn, grow, and become prepared to face life beyond high school.

What are ways that you engage families as part of the learning in your classroom/school? 

Through invitations to join my Google Classroom and the sharing of my contact information, I invite parents to be a part of their child’s learning experience in my classroom. This allows for them to see exactly what their child is doing and gives them quick and easy access to me if that have any questions or concerns.

What “fingerprint” or lasting impression do you want to leave at your school or on your students? 

I want students to always remember that I care for them. I never want them to question my intentions as a teacher – that I want what is best for my students. I want to see them succeed and for them to always know that they have my support whenever they need it.

How do you maximize the strengths of those around you? 

I always try to stay positive and encourage others around me. When students come into my room, I play music, greet each of them, and ask how their day is going. I try to get to know my kids as quick and best as I can so I can form meaningful relationships with them. This allows me to build trust and rapport with my students, giving me the ability to better know how to meet their needs in my classroom. I treat them as an equal and set high expectations for their work ethic and behaviors.

What do you like most about teaching? 

I like the relationships that get to build with my students. There is nothing more meaningful to me than knowing that students enjoy coming into my classroom, that it’s a safe place to learn and take risks, and that they have someone who cares and wants the best for them. The more I get to know my students and build rapport with them, the more I look forward to going to school each and every day.

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